With more than ten years in the scene Rotten Pork has become a Death Metal standard in the Puerto Vallarta and Bahía de Banderas area.

This rotten pork started to cook in 2009, by David Valenciana (Guitar/Drums) and Javier Ponce (Bass); creators of this project that has been evolving throughout the years.

With a demo and a single they started this journey at local gigs in Puerto Vallarta, which is when Ulises joined the band. A talented singer that grew up on quality growls and pig squeals.

Javier, Ulises y David 2009

In the year 2012 the first EP arrived, displaying a solid direction for the band. "Pútrida Insanidad" has 7 sick songs, in which you can hear a real Grindcore and Slamming influence.

In the same year Sacha Desautels joined the band. Being a talented musician, drummer and performer; he brought energy they needed because of the aggressive way he plays on the stage.

Until this day the band holds a stable line-up with Axl’s arrival as a guitar player in the year 2014.

Rotten Pork 2014 lineup

📷 Giovanni Rodríguez

The execution and composition of the band has been getting more mature, and the result of that is "Tales Of Failure", the first full length of the band. It has 13 songs that show an array of technical and blackened riffs without letting brutality go.

Theres no doubt that Rotten Pork has earned the unconditional support of the Vallarta music scene. Due to that support, they have traveled to other states to perform.

The band has shared the stage with bands like Equipoise, Faceless, Origin, Putrid Pile, Unidad Trauma, Carnal Diafragma, Dios Perro, Medical Negligence, Frank Metal Mascara, entre otras.